Remove subscribers

You can use the Subscribers API to remove (opt-out) subscribers from your Attentive list. After you remove a user, a final message is sent to confirm that the user is unsubscribed and will no longer receive messages. Note that this action does not delete users from the system in case they choose to opt-in later at a future date.

Note the following:

  • If you aren't already using this legacy API, it is recommended that you use the Subscribers API.
  • Legacy APIs and the APIs outlined in the Attentive API section need separate tokens. Contact for a legacy API token.




Header name Description Value Required
Authorization You must provide an access token. Contact for this token. Bearer <token> Required
Content-type The format of returned data. application/json Required


Parameter Description Example Type Required Notes
phone Phone number of a subscriber. 555-555-5555 string Required
sendOptOutMessage If set to true, the user is removed from the list and will receive a text message informing them that they are now unsubscribed. It is recommended to set to true, as it provides a better user experience.

If set to false, the user is removed from the list. The user will not receive a text message informing them that they are now unsubscribed.

true boolean Required

Sample JSON request

curl '' \
  -X POST \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer 1a2b3c4d5' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{"phone": "555-555-5555","sendOptOutMessage":"true"}' \

Status codes

The following table lists the returned HTTP status codes.

Code Description Notes
200 OK Request successful, the subscriber successfully opted out.
400 Bad request Data is improperly formatted or no subscriber exists.
401 Authorization error API key is incorrect.
409 Subscriber already opted out n/a
500 Attentive server-side error n/a