Event data field definitions

The following table describes each value that can appear for a given event type.


Value Definition
CODE Indicates that a user subscribed to SMS through a Text-to-Join keyword.
CHECKOUT Indicates that a user subscribed to SMS through a checkout gist.
DIRECT Indicates that a user subscribed to SMS through a mobile onsite sign-up unit.
DOUBLE_OPT_IN Indicates that a user subscribed to SMS through a desktop onsite sign-up unit.
DOUBLE_OPT_IN_AFFILIATE Indicates that a user subscribed to SMS through the Add Subscribers API.
MANUAL Indicates that a user subscribed to SMS through a manual upload.
(blank): if blank in this field This is blank for everything except EMAIL_SAVE & JOIN events.


Value Definition
MARKETING Indicates that a user consented to receiving marketing SMS campaigns from Attentive. This is specifically used for OPT_OUT events.
TRANSACTIONAL Indicates that a user consented to receiving transactional SMS (messages about the status of their order) from Attentive. This is specifically used for OPT_OUT events.
(blank) This is blank for non-OPT_OUT events.


Value Definition
AUTOMATED Indicates if the message received by the subscriber was an automated journey message (Welcome, Legal, or Triggered).
AUTOMATED_TRANSACTIONAL Indicates if the message received by the subscriber was an automated transactional message.
AUTO_RESPONSE Indicates that the message received by the subscriber was an auto-responder (auto-response, already subscribed response).
CONFIRM_OPT_IN Indicates that the message received by the subscriber was the Reply “Y” message, asking them to complete the opt in.
CUSTOMER_SERVICE Indicates that the message received by the subscriber was triggered by a customer service integration.
FUZZY_OPT_OUT Indicates that the message received by the subscriber was triggered by a fuzzy opt out keyword and it provided the subscriber the reply “STOP” messaging.
HELP Indicates that the message received by the subscriber was triggered by sending the "HELP" keyword and it provided support information.
ONE_TIME Indicates if the message received by the subscriber was a one-time campaign message, scheduled within the Attentive platform.
OPT_OUT Indicates that the message received by the subscriber confirmed their opt out from messaging.
SUBSCRIBER_COUPON Indicates that the message received by the subscriber was a copy of their coupon code from the Coupon Delivery Screen.
(blank): if blank in this field This is blank for non-message-based events


Value Definition
LEGAL Refers to the legal disclaimer message a user receives when subscribing to Attentive. This is only present when Message Type is AUTOMATED.
OTHER Refers to other automated-type messages, including triggered messages (such as Cart Abandonment messages). This is only present when Message Type is AUTOMATED.
WELCOME Refers to the welcome message a user receives when subscribing to Attentive. This is only present when Message Type is AUTOMATED.
(blank): if blank in this field This is blank for ONE_TIME messages, as well as for non-message-based events.


Value Definition
DESKTOP Indicates that a user subscribed to SMS through a desktop onsite sign-up unit.
ON_SITE Indicates that a user subscribed to SMS through a mobile onsite sign-up unit.
TEXT_TO_JOIN Indicates that a user subscribed to SMS through a Text-to-Join keyword.
INTEGRATION Indicates that the event is associated with the Add Subscribers API or a checkout gist.
LANDING_PAGE Indicates that the event is associated with an Attentive landing page.
MANUAL_UPLOAD Indicates that the event is associated with a manual upload.
(blank): if blank in this field This is blank for non-subscriber events.


Value Definition
AFFILIATE_ENDPOINT Indicates that the event is associated with the Add Subscribers API.
BUBBLE_FULL_SCREEN Indicates that the event is associated with an onsite bubble that expands to a fullscreen creative. This is an SMS only creative.
BUBBLE_PARTIAL Indicates that the event is associated with an onsite bubble that expands to a partial creative. This is an SMS only creative.
CODE Indicates that the event is associated with a "Text to Join" keyword.
EMAIL_BUBBLE_FULL_SCREEN Indicates that the event is associated with an onsite bubble that expands to a fullscreen creative. This is an email + SMS creative.
EMAIL_BUBBLE_PARTIAL Indicates that the event is associated with an onsite bubble that expands to a partial creative. This is an email + SMS creative.
EMAIL_FULL_SCREEN Indicates that the event is associated with an onsite fullscreen creative. This is an email + SMS creative.
EMAIL_PARTIAL Indicates that the event is associated with an onsite partial creative. This is an email + SMS creative.
FULL_SCREEN Indicates that the event is associated with an onsite fullscreen creative. This is an SMS only creative.
NO_SHOW Indicates that the event is associated with a no show creative (nothing shown onsite to the user). This creative subtype is often used for A/B tests.
PARTIAL Indicates that the event is associated with an onsite partial creative. This is an SMS only creative.
RECHARGE_CHECKOUT_TRANSACTIONAL Indicates that the event is associated with a ReCharge transactional gist.
SHOPIFY_CHECKOUT Indicates that the event is associated with a Shopify marketing gist.
SHOPIFY_CHECKOUT_TRANSACTIONAL Indicates that the event is associated with a Shopify transactional gist.
(blank): if blank in this field This will be blank for non-subscriber events.