Optimove segments in Attentive

With this integration, you can connect a segmentation list from Optimove to the Attentive platform to send SMS campaigns to a targeted list of subscribers. To connect your Optimove segmentation list with Attentive, you must work with our White Glove team (whiteglove@attentivemobile.com) at Attentive to set up a SFTP folder. Then, contact your Optimove account representative to enable the integration. Once the integration is enabled, a CSV file that includes the segmentation list can be placed in the assigned SFTP folder to connect to Attentive. These files are processed every 24 hours, ensuring that your Optimove segmentation list in Attentive is up-to-date.

Note the following:

  • A subscriber is identified as a phone number.
  • If a phone number provided does not match an active and opted-in subscriber in Attentive’s database, it is ignored and not added to the platform.
  • You can upload the list specifically to a folder named optimove-segments in the SFTP uploads folder. If you don’t see the folder initially, you can create the folder.
  • Once this integration is configured, your Optimove segmentation list appears on the Segments page.

File format

View the following table to understand how the CSV file must be formatted:

Description Example
File name The name of your Optimove segmentation list.

Note the following:

  • There file name has a length limit of 128 characters, including the file extension.
  • The file name must be composed of alphanumeric characters and a limited amount of special characters (!?_-).
  • You can use spaces in the file name.
File type The file extension must always be .csv. vip_segment.csv
Header The first row should be the column headers: Customer ID, Phone Number, and Promotion Code. See example below for details.
Phone number The phone number of the subscriber.

Note the following:

  • Phone numbers should be formatted as: XXX-XXX-XXXX or XXXXXXXXXX
  • Country codes may be included.
The following list outlines accepted values:
  • 1234567890
  • 123-456-7890
  • 1123-456-7890
  • 11234567890

Example CSV file

The following is an example of what your CSV file should resemble:

Customer ID Phone Number Promotion code
name1@gmail.com 1234567890​ 1234
name2@gmail.com 234-567-8901​ 1234
name3@gmail.com 1123-456-7890​ 1234
name4@gmail.com 4567890123 1234